Myself and the family have kicked off 2025 with an intention to sink deep into building our dream home in Cornwall, and settling on the land we have bought, as well as carving out travel as a priority for our children and for inspiration on every level.
The idea, simple : To explore our world and find the joy in all things. Whether it be around the humble and glowing fireside at home with hot chocolates before bed, or packing our bags and learning the ways of other cultures and people. All with an awareness to the non-human animals that share our lands and oceans and pathways. Mostly, to be of service to the kind ones, the voiceless ones.
I have begun painting again, and am now embracing a new way of creating. Becoming a mother has transformed my way of being, and therefore my way in art.
Whatever comes from now on, will be with consideration and love at the helm.