Who We Believe In
We try to support various charitable causes and activists, below are details of those who are important to us and why.

Travels. A painter and her family of art makers and storytellers…x
Our second child Elder Rain has been the pinnacle and now inspiration to move on with our plans to travel. As part of a deep calling to connect to stories local and far a-field, we now intend on moving around visiting old friends and seeking out new, to inspire paintings and initiatives we all want to be part of. The children will lead, and so we follow…x

Meet the Maker | Ryan Newman
Sustainable Art
When deciding upon packaging and materials, the planet came first. As it always should. Read on to greater understand our promise about safe and aware practice.

Rhino Orphan Rescue
My sister and I traveled to meet the heroes at Rhino911 in SA, and what we were shown turned out to be far more than a routine de-horning procedure…

Living with Elephants
For a month in August 2019, I stayed with the incredible team at the elephant orphan release facility in Kafue NP. Here I witnessed first hand what it is to protect and re-wild Zambia’s rescued elephants.