Rhino Orphan Rescue</a>
The world of wildlife trafficking and illegal trade is a very dark, highly organised and professional and lethal space. My sister and I traveled to meet the heroes at Rhino911 in SA, and what we were shown turned out to be far more than a routine ‘trimming’ (de-horning) procedure…
Yesterday was a slap in the face. I've spent my life being exposed (from afar but through my grandads charity : David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation) to the brutal ways of poaching in Africa. But yesterday - on a routine 'trimming' visit to a park in SA - we came across over 20 carcasses and a baby orphaned still clinging to its dead mother.
My heart was heaving and I was SO fucking sad. I was excited to be going up in a chopper and giggling in the morning. I felt privileged and lucky. But it changed to tears and a deep confusion. This little guy made it - because of these guys and he would have died had they not 1.been quick enough 2. Darted successfully 3. The vehicle hadn't been there to take him to an orphanage ... and the list goes on:
All for what?
These humans don't take money for their efforts. Not a penny. They react to all cases via one chopper and also in vehicles of their own.
£300 donation would cover a round trip like what we did - but they can't get it. It's become so de-sensitised out here and as a global issue that funds don't flow. Corruption is impossible to break and rhinos are facing extinction. HOWEVER, travelling with my sister Georgina Lamb has been a privilege and we both have an unbreakable oath to do what we can to tell these stories and fundraise where possible.
Please, help if you can (Instagram: Rhino911npo or their website: Rhino 911 ) or help Peanie and I keep this on the radar... (above link, David Shepherd wildlife foundation) to talk about conservation, and to spread the message of love over war. There is no right or wrong answer here. It's about bringing light into the darkness and celebrating life over death.
8 Rhino’s on average, per week, are slaughtered for their horn to feed the Far East and their insatiable appetite for the parts of endangered species. This was all so heartbreaking to witness. A shocking reality that these creatures face Extinction due to human greed.
The photos below show a snap shot of the work Rhino911 do on a regular basis. Through these pictures you can witness the devastation of Rhino Poaching in Africa.